Thursday, 20 April 2017

Gameband -:

The Gameband is a powerful smartwatch that’s been made specifically for, you guessed it, gamers. Gameband runs on a Qualcomm SnapDragon Wear 2100 processor. It’s got its own Android OS and comes with its own suite of apps. You can put a microSD into the Gameband as well, turning it into a portable storage device. You can then access data in the Gameband via Bluetooth as well. Gameband has partnered with the likes of Atari and Terraria, to bring those titles to your wrist. You can expect classic titles like Pong, Centipede and more to run on the Gameband. Furthermore, there will be an Atari Red version and a Terraria version of the Gameband as well. You can expect a mini-version of Terraria for the gameband. Design elements from the game have also been used within Gameband’s interface. You can of course still use the Gameband for other basic smartband applications. Find Gameband on Kickstarter.

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